Remember: 1:19: Write, therefore, what you have seen, what is now and what will take place later. The book of Revelation is the only book in the Bible that contains an inspired outline of the contents. Revelation 1: “What you have seen” refers to the past. Revelation 2—3: “what is now”, refers to the present, John’s present. Revelations 4-22: “what will take place later”, the future. There are seven churches spoke to in Revelation. John is writing to real people, about real situations, both past, present and future. Seven is really important in the book of Revelation, it is the number of divine completion. [See blog bonus for the seven in Revelation.] Keep in mind that the churches in Asia Minor were facing persecution and it was important that they be in right relationship with the Lord and each other. They are pictured as seven separate lampstands, each giving light in a dark world (Philippians. 2:15; Matthew. 5:14–16). The darker the day, the greater the light must shine; unfortuna...
Notes for messages preached at All Nations Christian Centre, Reading, UK.